Understanding the Role of Submission, Compliance, and P+ Training in Dogs Responding to Drives

 My article: Understanding the Role of Submission, Compliance, and P+ Training in Dogs Responding to Drives was published in the APDT Chronicle of the Dog, Fall 2024 issue.

I'd  like to give a big thanks to Devon Hubbard Sorlie, Editor, Chronicle of the Dog, for her permission to print a PDF of the article on my blog.

I have often found when doing dog consultations, that people who are having difficulty with dog behavior have a more challenging dog to train. At the heart of the issue is that some dogs need more than the standard training techniques to achieve training success. That was exampled in my article "Adding Power to the Premack Principle."

Because of the challenges some dogs pose for trainers and dog owners, I created a class called Out of Control Dogs. The goal of the class, Out of Control Dogs, is to provide several ways to train dogs who are not willing by nature to comply. You will find case studies in this accredited class and video to help people resolve more difficult dog training issues.  Here is a link to that class.

More information on my accredited classes can be found at:


FYI: The statement in the article: (How do you want to reference the article I did on this?) refers to the article on this blog titled: Adding Power to the Premack Principle

Here is a link to my accredidted clases. Please not Out of Control Dogs is on the right under "Whats New."



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